Function scope in JavaScript
January 23, 2020
Function Scope
- We saw scope in conditional blocks
In JavaScript we have a Lexical scoping
- There is one global scope
- And multiple local scopes
We could create new local scopes inside the blocks of an
statement- They are accessible inside the local scope and not accessible out of there
- We created a visualization of the “scope tree”
We can apply these same scope rules to Functions
// Scope Tree
// Global scope (we always have this)
// What is in Global scope in this file?
// convertFahrenheitToCelsius, temp1, temp2
// What is in the function local scope?
// tempAsCelcius
// IMPORTANT - the function arguments are also part of this function's local scope
// So temp is also in the local function scope
let convertFahrenheitToCelsius = function(temp) {
// code
let tempAsCelcius = ((temp - 32) * 5) / 9;
// return value
return tempAsCelcius;
// reference values
const temp1 = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(32);
const temp2 = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(68);
// output
console.log(temp1); // 0
console.log(temp2); // 20
- We can’t access
even after the function runs
Let’s adjust our code and our scope tree
let convertFahrenheitToCelsius = function(temp) {
// code
let tempAsCelcius = ((temp - 32) * 5) / 9;
if (tempAsCelcius <= 0) {
let isFreezing = true;
// return value
return tempAsCelcius;
// reference values
const temp1 = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(32);
const temp2 = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(68);
// output
console.log(temp1); // 0
console.log(temp2); // 20
Here is the scope tree of the above code
// Global scope (convertFahrenheitToCelcius, temp1, temp2)
// Local scope (temp, tempAsCelcius)
// Local scope (isFreezing)
From inside isFreezing if block
- You can access isFreezing
- Go up the tree to access temp or tempAsCelcius
- Go one more up the tree and access convertFahrenheitToCelcius, temp1, temp2